Kicking off the 2012 Halloween season

Hi, everybody! It’s Friday, August 31, and Halloween is exactly two months away. We’re back for another season of costuming, with some cool new designs and lots of fun stuff coming up.

Last year was amazing. We had 5 million page views the week of Halloween, our server spontaneously combusted, and we were covered by national media in the United States, Canada, the UK, and Australia. It was awesome.

We’re shooting for an even bigger audience this year, and we’d especially like to get the word out earlier. I got a zillion emails last year (okay, not really a zillion) from people saying “Oh man! I wish I’d seen your site sooner! I’m totally bookmarking this for next year!” So we’re going to try to get on the radar before it’s too late for people to plan their fabulous mind-blowing costumes.

The Take Back Halloween website is our main center of operations, of course, but we’re also going to post regular updates on Facebook and Twitter. We’re also on Pinterest, which looks like it’ll be fantastic once we figure it out. (As of this writing we’re still in practice mode over there, figuring out how to pin stuff and follow people and all that. Don’t look, it’s embarrassing.)

We’ve also added a Donate page, because this site is entirely self-funded. We have no grant money, no backers, nothing. It’s all out of our pockets. So, if you appreciate our work and you’d like to help make the world safe for creative costumes, please consider pitching in a few dollars. Your support means everything.

Stay tuned for more!



6 Comments → “Kicking off the 2012 Halloween season”

  1. Stell


    Love the photographs on this website. There are so many great women in history and your efforts demonstrate how we can emulate them through great costumes.

    Out of curiosity, would you consider adding Queen Esther of Persia to your list of queens?

  2. Editor


    Hi Stell —

    Actually, she’s on our list already — our To Do list. We have a long list of costumes we haven’t gotten to yet, but she’s definitely on there.

  3. Alicia


    I absolutely love this website! I saw it last year but already had my costume picked out…we were vikings! Loved the Freyja costume! Mine was plainer than the one you have up but since my whole family was vikings we gotta a lot of pointing and pictures taken, it was a blast! can’t wait for this year!

  4. Editor


    That’s awesome, Alicia. An entire family of Vikings!

  5. Barbara


    This is a great site! I’ve got two girls and have been disgusted with the sexy-everything costumes we see every year. Keep up the great work!

  6. Editor


    Thanks, Barbara!