I’ll be on Canadian radio tomorrow
I just did a pre-recorded interview with the very nice producer for Q, the daily arts & culture show on CBC Radio One. Unfortunately, I was so sleepy that I’m really not sure what I said. Probably gibberish.
Check the Q website for showtimes and podcasts so you can listen to me make a complete fool of myself while sucking down coffee to try to wake up.

I’m annoyed I missed this, but I’m going to look for it! I actually just read a blog post by Emily McCombs, saying she would be on Q to make the case for “sexy” costumes for women. I’d like to hear her side too.
I’m not really against “sexy” Halloween costumes; I’m against there being few other options for women. Thanks for changing the landscape of our sex crazed culture.
I wrote my own post on this issue, actually: http://loveablehomebody.blogspot.com/2011/10/happy-sexy-halloween.html#more
I haven’t listened to the radio show yet, but why on earth does she need to “make the case” for sexy costumes? Good lord, there’s nothing BUT sexy costumes. That’s the problem.
Hello! We were just turned on to your web site, and we love it! Thank you for such innovative and educational costumes! In a recent blog post on appropriate costumes for kids, I passed on your website, and I hope people take notice! Best wishes!
Hi! I just came across your site this morning. I’ve never had problems thinking up costume ideas that aren’t “sexy whatnot”, but I just wanted to cheer you on with your mission! Seriously, it’s time costume sellers realized women don’t always want to dress as a sex object for Halloween . . . after all, it’s what we’re expected to dress as every day.