Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) devoted her life to the cause of women’s suffrage, toiling for over 50 years in the face of incredible opposition (not to mention ridicule). As the de facto “Napoleon” of the 19th century women’s movement, she marshaled forces from all over the country into a huge national campaign. Sadly, she did not live to see victory: women didn’t get the vote until 14 years after her death.

For the costume, we’re going with her late-century look, since that’s most iconic. The pieces we suggest, from left to right:

1. Late-Victorian dress. From the lace front and cuffs to the puffed sleeves, this dress is a great match for some of the most famous portraits of Susan B. Anthony. Don’t wear the bonnet that comes with it—instead do your hair up in a bun or wear a wig (#2). You’ll probably need a crinoline to help the skirt pouf out.
2. Grey wig. If your own hair isn’t grey or silver, this wig should do you up.
3. Round granny glasses.
4. Victorian lace-up boots.
5. Customizable sash. They might have these in your local party store. If so, you can get one and write “Votes for Women” on it.


Other costumes in this category: Notable Women